Fuscartona martini - 教育百科
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中文名: | |
英文名: | Fuscartona martini |
描述: 馬汀氏竹斑蛾/竹斑蛾(Artona martini)是斑蛾科(Zygaenidae)小斑蛾亞科(Procridinae)的成員,被歸屬於funeralis種群。本種的頭部與胸部背方為黑色,前翅為黑色,基部2/3帶有一點白色;後翅亦為黑色底,M2脈至臀角上方處有一大塊白斑;腹部背方為藍色帶有金屬光澤。 A Brief Introduction: Artona martini represents one of the three Artona species in Taiwan and could be easily identified from the other two by the wing pattern. However, Illiberis spp. share similar wing pattern with it and identification should be careful. A Brief Introduction: Artona martini represents one of the three Artona species in Taiwan and could be easily identified from the other two by the wing pattern. However, Illiberis spp. share similar wing pattern with it and identification should be careful. |
分布: 本種分布於日本、中國、臺灣、越南與紐西蘭等地。</p> |
作者: | 施禮正 |
授權方式: | ![]() |
資料來源: | 中研院臺灣生命大百科 |