Conogethes parvipunctalis - 教育百科
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中文名: | |
英文名: | Conogethes parvipunctalis |
描述: Conogethes parvipunctalis是草螟科(Crambidae)斑野螟亞科(Spilomelinae)的成員。本種的頭、胸、腹被被方為鮮黃色,下唇鬚全為黃色,胸部與腹部有黑點,前翅為黃色底,亞外緣線、後中線、中線、前中線與亞基線由多個黑點組成,部份黑點延長成短黑線;後翅亦為黃色底,亞外緣線與後中線由多個黑點組成,部份黑點延長成短黑線,前中線僅靠內緣處有一小段,近基部靠前緣有一個大黑點。 A Brief Introduction: Conogethes parvipunctalis represents one of the three Conogethes species in Taiwan and is very similar to C. punctiferalis. There are no reliable characters of wing pattern to distinguish C. parvipunctalis from C. punctiferalis, however, the former is smaller than the latter. . There are no reliable characters of wing pattern to distinguish C. parvipunctalis from C. punctiferalis, however, the former is smaller than the latter. |
分布: 廣泛分佈於日本、臺灣、印度、菲律賓、尼泊爾、爪哇、婆羅洲、蘇門答臘與蘇拉維西等地。</p> |
作者: | 施禮正 |
授權方式: | |
資料來源: | 中研院臺灣生命大百科 |