

::: 單棘黃緣禾螟蛾 - 教育百科
中文名: 單棘黃緣禾螟蛾
英文名: Cirrhochrista spinuella
單棘黃緣禾螟蛾(Cirrhochrista spinuella)是草螟科(Crambidae)莎螟亞科(Schoenobiinae)brizoalis種群的成員。本種的前翅為白色底,前緣與外緣為橘黃色,橘黃色內有黑色線條,外緣的黑色線條為鋸齒狀,前緣有三個凸起之橘色三角形;後翅亦為白色底,外緣中段為橘黃色,靠內側有黑色線條;胸、腹部背方為白色,中央有一條橘黃色寬帶;下唇鬚白而長。黃緣禾螟蛾屬(Cirrhochrista)全世界共被紀錄約15種,分佈於非洲、馬達加斯加與印澳區。在Chen et al. (2006)的研究中將本屬劃為三個種群,分別是brizoalis種群、kosemponialis種群與spissalis種群。

A Brief Introduction: Cirrhochrista spinuella represents an unrecorded member of Cirrhochrista, a genus with five speceis in Taiwan and shares quite similar wing pattern with C. brizoalis. This two species could be identifed by the following character: C. brizoalis with a circle near the tornus of forewing while C. spinuella without it. Owing to the similar wing pattern, this two species are regarded as one species, C. brizoalis until the study of Chen et al.(2006).

)(Crambidae)(Schoenobiinae)brizoalis成員前翅白色前緣外緣黃色黃色黑色線條外緣黑色線條鋸齒前緣凸起三角形白色外緣黃色黑色線條腹部白色中央黃色螟蛾(Cirrhochrista)全世界紀錄15非洲馬達加斯加Chen et al. (2006)研究中將分別brizoalis、kosemponialisspissalis

A Brief Introduction: Cirrhochrista spinuella represents an unrecorded member of Cirrhochrista, a genus with five speceis in Taiwan and shares quite similar wing pattern with C. brizoalis. This two species could be identifed by the following character: C. brizoalis with a circle near the tornus of forewing while C. spinuella without it. Owing to the similar wing pattern, this two species are regarded as one species, C. brizoalis until the study of Chen et al.(2006).

作者: 施禮正
授權方式: 創用CC
資料來源: 中研院臺灣生命大百科