台灣長耳蝠 - 教育百科
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蝠 |
簡介: 這是一種體型小但耳朵很長,有如兔耳形狀一般的奇妙蝙蝠.長耳蝠屬的蝙蝠全世界僅七個種,而本種的體型最小.台灣長耳蝠之發現甚晚,直到日本人吉行瑞子小姐於1990年首次於台灣中部鞍馬山山區採集發現後才為世人所知.由於發現次數很少,有關本種之習性, 目前並不清楚, 僅知屬中、高海拔山區森林性蝙蝠。據觀察者稱本種可能因為耳朵甚大,覓食高度接近地面,飛行時顯得緩慢笨拙;停下來時還會把耳朵向後平貼,並以前臂夾於身體兩側,十分奇特。 棲地分布:目前僅於台中縣鞍馬山、武陵地區,南投縣翠峰、梅峰地區有發現記錄,不常見。 |
知識 1: "這是一種體型小但耳朵很長,有如兔耳形狀一般的奇妙蝙蝠.長耳蝠屬的蝙蝠全世界僅七個種,而本種的體型最小.台灣長耳蝠之發現甚晚,直到日本人吉行瑞子小姐於1990年首次於台灣中部鞍馬山山區採集發現後才為世人所知.由於發現次數很少,有關本種之習性, 目前並不清楚, 僅知屬中、高海拔山區森林性蝙蝠。據觀察者稱本種可能因為耳朵甚大,覓食高度接近地面,飛行時顯得緩慢笨拙;停下來時還會把耳朵向後平貼,並以前臂夾於身體兩側,十分奇特。 棲地分布:目前僅於台中縣鞍馬山、武陵地區,南投縣翠峰、梅峰地區有發現記錄,不常見。MammalsFormosan long-eared bat bat蝙蝠科台灣長耳蝠The Formosan long-eared bat is a small-sized, unique species with strikingly long ears similar to hare ears. There are only seven species of long-eared bats (Plecotus) in the world and this species is the smallest. Formosan long-eared bats were not known to the world until 1990 when they were first discovered and collected by Japanese Yoshiyuki in Anma mountain areas in central Taiwan. They were recorded for so few times that their behaviors are seldom known except that they inhabit mountain forests at high altitudes. Some experts believe that the species fly close to the ground when hunting and have a slow, clumsy flight because their ears are strikingly large. When resting, their ears are uniquely folded under the forearms and held backwards. Habitat: They are rarely seen and were only recorded in Anma Mountain and Wulin area in Taichung County, and Cuei Peak and Mei Peak in Nantou County." |
資料來源:國立自然科學博物館_台灣長耳蝠 | |
學域-大分類: | 動物-獸類 |
拉丁屬名: | Plecotus |
拉丁種小名: | taivanus |
紀錄類別: | 脊椎動物獸類知識單元 |
授權資訊: |
授權請洽國立自然科學博物館相關業務聯絡人:謝玉鈴小姐 04-23226940*786 ling@nmns.edu.tw |