

::: 高山小黃鼠狼 - 教育百科
瞧這小傢伙太可愛了!但台灣有這一號動物卻是到最近才發現的,長久以來高山小黃鼠狼一直隱名埋姓的住在台灣的偏僻高山地帶, 可能由於數量稀少,也可能是因為牠機警過人,一百多年以前未被英國人捕獲,八十多年以前也沒有被日本人逮到;甚至到了1969年,位於台北的預防醫學研究所因進行病媒研究,終於在合歡山區第一次捕得了一隻,但當時被鑑定為一般黃鼠狼,製成標本後就儲放在標本櫃裡,並未引起注意,直到1995年該件標本輾轉進入了本館,才引發了有關牠的一連串調查研究,並被發表為新紀錄種.而台灣的哺乳類動物因此又得以增添一個種類 棲地分布:目前的採集紀錄包括合歡山區,塔塔加山區以及南投縣梅峰山區.並不常見.
知識 1:
"  瞧這小傢伙太可愛了!但台灣有這一號動物卻是到最近才發現的,長久以來高山小黃鼠狼一直隱名埋姓的住在台灣的偏僻高山地帶, 可能由於數量稀少,也可能是因為牠機警過人,一百多年以前未被英國人捕獲,八十多年以前也沒有被日本人逮到;甚至到了1969年,位於台北的預防醫學研究所因進行病媒研究,終於在合歡山區第一次捕得了一隻,但當時被鑑定為一般黃鼠狼,製成標本後就儲放在標本櫃裡,並未引起注意,直到1995年該件標本輾轉進入了本館,才引發了有關牠的一連串調查研究,並被發表為新紀錄種.而台灣的哺乳類動物因此又得以增添一個種類 棲地分布:目前的採集紀錄包括合歡山區,塔塔加山區以及南投縣梅峰山區.並不常見.Look at this cute little guy! It is somewhat surprising that this species was not discovered until recently. The Taiwan least weasel has been hiding and living in the remote mountainous areas of Taiwan. Perhaps due to its rare number and alert nature, the Taiwan least weasel eluded capture by the British over a hundred years ago, over eighty years ago by the Japanese, and until 1969 only one specimen had been captured, by researchers from the Graduate Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, for studies on disease vectors. Found on He-Huan Mountain, this specimen was identified as a common weasel, and was placed in storage after it had been stuffed, until it came into the possession of the NMNS in 1995. A series of investigations resulted in its designation as a newly recorded species, adding to the roster of Taiwan's native mammals. Habitat distributions : Rarely seen in the wild, the current specimen records include regions such as the He-Huan Mountain, Tataka area and the Mei-Feng mountain regions in Nantou County. "
中文界名: 動物界
中文目名: 食肉目
中文科名: 貂科
中文綱名: 哺乳綱
中文門名: 脊索動物門
學域-大分類: 動物-獸類
拉丁亞門名: Vertabrata
拉丁屬名: Mustela
拉丁界名: Animalia
拉丁目名: Carnivora
拉丁科名: Mustelidae
拉丁種小名: formosana
拉丁綱名: Mammalian
拉丁門名: Chordata
紀錄類別: 脊椎動物獸類知識單元
授權資訊: 授權請洽國立自然科學博物館相關業務聯絡人:謝玉鈴小姐