

::: 台灣長鬃山羊 - 教育百科
曾很長一段時間被認為是日本長鬃山羊的亞種,台灣野山羊常又被稱做台灣長鬃山羊,但目前已有專家認為牠其實是台灣的特有種.天生具有攀爬陡坡的本領,非常適合生存於台灣的高山環境,族群數量尚豐,也是原住民狩獵的主要對象,目前則被列為保育類動物禁止捕捉. 台灣野山羊習於晨昏活動,多為獨來獨往,只在繁殖期見到與配偶或幼仔同行;喜食幼芽與嫩葉,食物包括像玉山圓柏、台灣冷杉、台灣鐵杉、玉山小檗、過溝菜蕨、咬人貓等多種植物;屬反芻動物,能反芻胃內的食物回到口中重新咀嚼以增進消化能力;有領域行為,會以排糞便、尿液,或以眼下的腺體及角摩擦樹幹岩石等方式留下宣示領域的記號。 棲地分布:為台灣特有種。廣泛分布於海拔1000公尺至3000的山區,最低海拔紀錄為500公尺左右;喜歡的棲息環境為地被植物豐富的森林草原交界地帶,並能迅捷自如地在崩崖地帶行走
知識 1:
"曾很長一段時間被認為是日本長鬃山羊的亞種,台灣野山羊常又被稱做台灣長鬃山羊,但目前已有專家認為牠其實是台灣的特有種.天生具有攀爬陡坡的本領,非常適合生存於台灣的高山環境,族群數量尚豐,也是原住民狩獵的主要對象,目前則被列為保育類動物禁止捕捉.    台灣野山羊習於晨昏活動,多為獨來獨往,只在繁殖期見到與配偶或幼仔同行;喜食幼芽與嫩葉,食物包括像玉山圓柏、台灣冷杉、台灣鐵杉、玉山小檗、過溝菜蕨、咬人貓等多種植物;屬反芻動物,能反芻胃內的食物回到口中重新咀嚼以增進消化能力;有領域行為,會以排糞便、尿液,或以眼下的腺體及角摩擦樹幹岩石等方式留下宣示領域的記號。    棲地分布:為台灣特有種。廣泛分布於海拔1000公尺至3000的山區,最低海拔紀錄為500公尺左右;喜歡的棲息環境為地被植物豐富的森林草原交界地帶,並能迅捷自如地在崩崖地帶行走MammalsFormosan serowBovidae牛科台灣長鬃山羊 The Formosan serow has been recognized as a subspecies of the Japanese serow, although some experts consider it a species endemic to Taiwan. They are excellent climbers on steep hills and well-adapted to Taiwan's high mountain environment. Populations are abundant. They were once aborigines' major games but have been classified as preserved species. No capture of them is allowed. Formosan serows are more active in the morning and evening. They usually live alone and only stay with their mates or foals during the breeding season. They feed mainly on tender burgeons and leaves of many plants, such as Juniperus Sqyanata Lamb.var. morrisonicola ( Hayata), Abies kawakamii (Hayata) Ito, Tsuga chinensis (Franch.) Pritz. ex Diels var. formosana (Hayata), Anisogonium esculentum(Retz.)Presl, Urtica thunbergiana Sieb. & Zucc. They are ruminants, allowing them to regurgitate and rechew their food for stronger digestion. They are territorial. They mark their territory by leaving feces, urine or secretions from their preorbital glands on the trees or rocks or rubbing their horns against them. Habitat:    The Formosan Serow is endemic to Taiwan. They are widely spread in mountain areas at altitudes around 1,000-3,000m. The lowest altitude at which they are found is about 500m. They prefer bordering areas between forests and grassland with rich vegetation. They can walk agilely on rocky debris."
學域-大分類: 動物-獸類
拉丁屬名: Naemorhedus
拉丁種小名: swinhoei
紀錄類別: 脊椎動物獸類知識單元
授權資訊: 授權請洽國立自然科學博物館相關業務聯絡人:謝玉鈴小姐

